Treating sick and injured pets with diagnostics.
At Four Paws Animal Hospital, our goal is keeping your pet happy and healthy. Thanks to modern diagnostics and our on-site laboratory, we're able to do just that for sick and injured pets.
We have an in-house state of the art laboratory for diagnostic testing which gives us test results right away. We can run complete blood chemistry panels, blood tests for heartworm and tick borne diseases, urinalysis to check for kidney and bladder health, and fecal analysis for the presence of parasites and giardia. We are able to share the results of these tests with you in a few minutes and can respond immediately if treatment is needed.
With the shared goal of successful recovery, our team of experienced veterinarians works together to return your pet to good health.
Learn more about our diagnostic services here:

Pet Digital Radiology
Digital x-rays assist in diagnosing illness & injury.
Pet Ultrasound
A non-invasive way to diagnose sick & injured pets.
Images of a pet's functioning heart.
PennHIP Evaluations
Screening to assess your dog's hips.
Pet Allergy & Dermatology
Diagnose and treat skin conditions.
Dog Genetic Testing
Discover your dog's breed.